San Pedro Market in Cusco is a lively, busy place to get a real taste of Peruvian culture in the heart of the city. It is a must-see place for anyone who wants to see how people live there, try traditional foods, and buy unique gifts.

With its bright displays, strong smell of fresh food, and lively chatter of both sellers and shoppers, the market is a sensational experience. This busy market is a cultural hub where both locals and tourists gather. It's a great example of the spirit of Cusco, with its mix of different sounds, sights, and tastes.

The Central San Pedro Market in Cusco (Mercado San Pedro)

San Pedro Market in Cusco offers a vivid glimpse into Peruvian life. As you walk through its bustling aisles, a riot of colors, aromas, and sounds greets you, showcasing a rich, traditional, and full-flavored society. This market is filled with unique items, from fresh local produce to handcrafted treasures. Here, the past and present converge, giving you a unique look at life in Cusco. The snacks, drinks, and friendly faces at San Pedro Market will immerse you in the heart of Peru.

The Central San Pedro Market in Cusco (Marcedo San Pedro).


The San Pedro market was initially located at Plaza de Armas and Plaza San Francisco. At the end of the 1910s, however, Manuel Silvestre Frisancho’s administration, as the city mayor, transferred the market to its current location.

Construction commenced in 1925, although it was never completed until 1950. The market was established to start functioning on June 6th, 1925, while it was still incomplete. The famous French builder Gustave Eiffel designed the San Pedro Market. Eiffel is also known as the architect of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 

Since opening in 1925, the market has been an essential part of Cusco's social and business life. The market's open steel frame and large interior are examples of Eiffel's style of architecture, which combines usefulness with aesthetic appeal. The market was built as part of a larger plan to bring Cusco up to date and give its people a central place to do business and meet new people. The market has kept its basic shape over the years while changing to meet the needs of the city's growing population.

Nowadays, the San Pedro Market is important for both locals and visitors. It is where most of Cusco's people get their fresh food and other goods. People selling goods come from all over the area, bringing fresh fruits, veggies, meats, and other foods that people in the area eat every day. We purchase fresh food from San Pedro Market for our tours, like the Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu


The San Pedro Market is located at the corner of Cascaparo and Santa Clara streets, in the center of Cusco. It is just a few blocks west of the Plaza de Armas; you can get there by walking about 10 minutes from the Main Plaza de Armas of Cusco. Because it is in the middle of the city, it is easy to reach from most places. The market is close to many famous sites and tourist spots, so you can easily add it to your sightseeing plans. The area around the market also has many interesting shops, bars, and restaurants. 

Opening Times

The market is open every day from 6 AM to 6 PM. The busiest time is in the morning when you can find the freshest food and experience the market at its liveliest. Local people come early to do their shopping, and you will see sellers setting up their stalls and arranging their goods. Visiting the market in the morning gives you a real taste of the local hustle and bustle. However, if you prefer a quieter experience, going in the late afternoon can also be enjoyable.

Exploring the San Pedro Market

People who visit San Pedro Market will see many bright stands selling different things, from fresh fruits and vegetables to handmade souvenirs. The market is divided into areas, each offering different goods. Some highlights are the fruit and vegetable stands, fresh juice stands, and areas with traditional Peruvian food and crafts.

The colorful displays of fresh produce are beautiful to see and give you a taste of the delicious foods to come. As you walk through the market, you will also find sections selling grains, meat, fish, dairy products, and more. These areas show the wide range of ingredients used in Peruvian cooking. The market is easy to get around, with each section clearly marked, and sellers are happy to help you find what you need.

Exotic Fresh Fruits

The market offers a wide array of colorful fruits, some of which are unique to Peru. Among these are both familiar and rare varieties such as cherimoya, camu camu, and lucuma.

Fruits in san Pedro Market
  • Chirimoya (Custard Apple): A green, heart-shaped fruit with creamy, custard-like flesh. Its flavor is a delightful blend of banana, pineapple, and strawberry, making it a popular treat. You can eat the fruit by scooping out the flesh with a spoon. It is often enjoyed fresh or in smoothies.
  • Granadilla (Passion Fruit): Granadilla has a hard, orange shell that needs to be cracked open to reveal its juicy, jelly-like pulp filled with black seeds. The sweet and tangy flavor is refreshing, and the seeds are edible. It is often eaten as a snack or added to fruit salads.
  • Lucuma: A round, greenish-yellow fruit with dry, starchy flesh. Its unique flavor is similar to maple and sweet potato. Due to its natural sweetness and distinct taste, lucuma is commonly used in desserts, smoothies, and ice cream.
  • Aguaymanto (Goldenberry or Cape Gooseberry) is a small orange fruit enclosed in a papery husk. It has a sweet and slightly tart flavor. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, it is often eaten fresh, added to salads, or used in jams and desserts.
  • Maracuyá (Passion Fruit): Maracuyá has harsh, wrinkled yellow or purple skin. Inside, it contains many juicy seeds surrounded by a gelatinous pulp. The flavor is intensely tangy and aromatic. It is used in juices, cocktails, and desserts.
  • Tuna: Fruit of the prickly pear cactus. It comes in various colors, including red, yellow, and green. The flesh is juicy and mildly sweet, with small, edible seeds. It is eaten fresh, juiced, or used in jams.
  • Pomegranate: A round fruit with thick, reddish skin. Inside, it contains many tiny, juicy seeds (arils) that are both sweet and tart. Pomegranate seeds are eaten fresh, sprinkled on salads, or used to make juice and sauces.
  • Starfruit (Carambola): Yellow-green fruit with a unique star shape when sliced. It has a crisp texture and a mildly sweet and tangy flavor. Because of its attractive appearance, it can be eaten fresh, added to salads, or used as a garnish.

These exotic fruits are not only delicious but also offer a range of health benefits, making them a must-try when visiting San Pedro Market in Cusco.


San Pedro Market in Cusco offers a variety of exotic Peruvian vegetables. You can find different types of native potatoes with unique colors and flavors. Sweet potatoes and choclo (large-kernel corn) are popular in many traditional dishes. Aji peppers give a spicy kick, while creamy avocados are great for salads and spreads. Olluco and mashua, special Andean tubers, add a tangy taste and are very nutritious. These vegetables show Peru's rich farming traditions and are perfect for adding flavor and health benefits to your meals.

Fresh Juice

freshly squeezed fruits. These drinks are not only tasty but also a great way to stay hydrated while exploring the market. Popular juice combinations include orange and papaya, mango and pineapple, and strawberry and banana. Some stands also offer more adventurous blends with fruits like maracuya (passion fruit) and granadilla (sweet granadilla).

The juice stands are very lively, with sellers expertly making each drink to order. You can watch and enjoy the process as the bright colors and fresh ingredients come together to make delicious drinks. The juices usually come in big glasses, giving you a large, refreshing drink that will keep you energized all day.

Food in the market

The food area of San Pedro Market is a fun place to try new foods. You can taste classic Peruvian dishes like arroz con huevo, lechon, ceviche, lomo saltado, and rocoto relleno. Many stands sell freshly made empanadas, tamales, and different kinds of soups and Caldos.

You must try ceviche, which is made with fresh fish marinated in lime juice and mixed with onions, cilantro, and chili peppers. It captures the taste of Peru. Lomo saltado is a stir-fry of beef, onions, tomatoes, and peppers served with rice and fries, offering a delicious mix of savory and tangy flavors. Rocoto Relleno, a stuffed pepper dish, is perfect for those who like their food a bit spicy.

In the food area, you can also find grilled meat skewers called anticuchos, chicharrón (fried pork), and causa (a layered potato dish). Each dish showcases Peru's rich culinary history and gives you a unique chance to experience the diverse flavors of the region. Here are some of the most popular ones you should try:


This is a must-try dish. Ceviche is made with fresh fish marinated in lime juice. The lime juice "cooks" the fish, giving it a unique texture and flavor. The fish is then mixed with onions, cilantro, and chili peppers. This combination creates a refreshing and tangy taste that captures the essence of Peru.

Ceviche San Pedro Market

Lomo Saltado

Lomo Saltado is a tasty stir-fry dish. It includes beef, onions, tomatoes, and peppers, which are cooked together until tender and flavorful. The dish is served with rice and fries, making it a satisfying and hearty meal. The mix of savory beef and tangy vegetables makes it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Lomo Saltado San Pedro Market

Rocoto Relleno

If you like spicy food, you should try Rocoto Relleno. This dish features a pepper that is stuffed with a mixture of meat, cheese, and spices. The pepper is then baked until it is soft and the filling is hot and melty. The result is a delicious and spicy dish that is sure to please those who enjoy a bit of heat in their food.


Anticuchos are grilled meat skewers that are very popular in Peru. They are often made with beef hearts, which are marinated in a mixture of spices and then grilled until tender. The skewers are smoky and savory, making them a perfect snack or meal.

Anticuchos San Pedro Market


Chicharrón is deep-fried pork that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It is a popular snack in Peru and is often enjoyed with a side of corn or potatoes. The crispy texture and rich flavor make it a favorite among many.


Causa is a unique and tasty dish made with mashed yellow potatoes. The potatoes are mixed with lime, chili, and mayonnaise to create a creamy and tangy base. This mixture is then layered with fillings such as tuna, chicken, or avocado. The result is a colorful and flavorful dish that is both light and satisfying.

Causa Limeña Can Pedro Market


Empanadas are pastries that can be either baked or fried. They are filled with a variety of ingredients, such as meat, cheese, or vegetables. The crust is flaky and golden, and the fillings are savory and delicious. Empanadas are a popular snack and are perfect for enjoying on the go.


Tamales are made from corn dough filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables. The dough and filling are then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until cooked through. They are hearty and flavorful, making them an excellent choice for breakfast or a snack.

Soups and Caldos

There are many different kinds of soups and broths available in San Pedro Market. These soups, known as caldos, are typically made with a rich combination of meats, vegetables, and spices. They are warm and comforting, perfect for a cool day in Cusco. One of the most popular is the Chicken soup section.

San Pedro Market is a fantastic place to experience the rich and diverse flavors of Peruvian cuisine. Each dish tells a story of the country's culinary history and offers a unique taste experience. Whether you are a foodie looking to try something new or just in need of a satisfying meal, the food area of San Pedro Market has something for everyone.

Cuy – Guinea Pig

This delicacy is called Cuy or guinea pig. It is an important food source amongst indigenous groups in South America, specifically in the Andes Region. Cuy is usually baked or fried and served with potatoes and stuffed pepper; it can be found at stalls or with street vendors.

Cuy San Pedro Market


The alpaca looks like a small Ilama. Alpaca meat tends to be more tender than Ilama meat. The steak is served with potatoes, rice, and vegetables.

Chicha Morada

Souvenirs – Handcraft.

You can find great gifts at San Pedro Market. There is jewelry, alpaca wool clothes, handmade textiles, and other traditional crafts. These items are perfect for gifts and as souvenirs to remember your trip to Peru.

The textile area is really impressive. It has many colorful woven items like ponchos, blankets, and scarves. Tourists love buying alpaca wool products because they are soft and warm. You will also find detailed jewelry made from silver and semi-precious stones, as well as beautiful ceramics with traditional Andean designs.

Souvenirs section San Pedro Market

When looking for souvenirs, take your time to explore and compare prices and quality at different stands. Many sellers are also artists, and they are happy to share the stories behind their items and explain how they were made.


What are the opening hours of San Pedro Market?

San Pedro Market is open every day of the week. It typically opens early in the morning, around 6 AM, and closes in the late afternoon, around 6 PM. These hours give you plenty of time to explore and shop at a leisurely pace. It's a good idea to visit in the morning if you want to see the freshest produce and avoid the busiest crowds.

Where is San Pedro Market located in Cusco?

San Pedro Market is conveniently located in the historic center of Cusco. It is near the San Pedro train station, which makes it easy to find. The exact address is Calle Santa Clara. If you are staying in central Cusco, it is usually within walking distance. You can also take a short taxi ride if you prefer.

What types of goods can I find at San Pedro Market?

San Pedro Market is a treasure trove of goods. You will find fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, cheese, and other food items. There are also stalls selling local crafts, textiles, and souvenirs. You can buy colorful blankets, handmade jewelry, and traditional Peruvian clothing. Additionally, the market has food stalls where you can taste delicious local dishes and drinks.

Is it safe to visit San Pedro Market?

Yes, San Pedro Market is generally safe for tourists. Many people visit every day without any problems. However, like in any busy place, it is wise to be cautious. Keep an eye on your personal belongings, such as your wallet, phone, and camera. Avoid flashing expensive items and be aware of your surroundings to prevent any incidents of pickpocketing.

Can I bargain for prices at San Pedro Market?

Bargaining is a common practice at San Pedro Market, especially when buying souvenirs and textiles. Vendors expect customers to negotiate, so don't hesitate to ask for a lower price. Be polite and friendly while bargaining, and you might get a good deal. However, remember that food items typically have fixed prices and are not usually negotiable.

Are there any local delicacies I should try at San Pedro Market?

Yes, you should definitely try some local delicacies while visiting San Pedro Market. Popular items include empanadas, tamales, and fresh fruit juices. You can also taste exotic fruits like lucuma and chirimoya. If you are adventurous, try some traditional Peruvian dishes such as ceviche or cuy (guinea pig). The food stalls offer a variety of delicious and authentic options.

Is it possible to find vegan or vegetarian options at San Pedro Market?

Yes, there are many vegan and vegetarian options available at San Pedro Market. You will find plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. Some food stalls also offer prepared vegetarian and vegan dishes. Just ask the vendors, and they will be happy to help you find suitable food. It's a great place to enjoy healthy and tasty meals.

Do vendors at San Pedro Market accept credit cards?

Most vendors at San Pedro Market prefer cash payments only. It is a good idea to bring enough Peruvian Soles (PEN) for your purchases. Some stalls might accept credit cards, but it is not very common. There are ATMs located near the market where you can withdraw cash if needed. Having small bills and coins will make your shopping experience smoother.

Can I take photographs inside San Pedro Market?

Yes, you are generally allowed to take photographs inside San Pedro Market. It is a colorful and vibrant place, perfect for capturing memories. However, it is polite to ask for permission before taking pictures of people or specific vendor stalls. Most vendors are friendly and will not mind if you ask first. Be respectful and considerate when photographing.

What are some tips for first-time visitors to San Pedro Market?

Here are some helpful tips for first-time visitors to San Pedro Market:

  • Arrive Early: Visit in the morning to avoid the busiest times and see the freshest produce.
  • Bring Cash: Most vendors accept only cash, so have enough Peruvian Soles with you.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: The market is large, and you will be walking a lot. Comfortable shoes are a must.
  • Learn Basic Spanish: Knowing a few basic Spanish phrases will help you communicate with vendors and enhance your shopping experience.
  • Be Mindful of Your Belongings: Keep an eye on your valuables to prevent any incidents of pickpocketing.
  • Try Local Food: Don’t miss the chance to taste delicious local dishes and drinks available at the market.

Enjoy your visit to San Pedro Market! It’s a beautiful place to experience the local culture, food, and crafts of Cusco.

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